
  1. Background

Bosnia and Herzegovina is the Borrower, and Republic of Srpska, through a subsidiary agreement with the Borrower, has received financing from the World Bank toward the cost of Additional Financing for the Energy Efficiency Project (BEEP AF). The project development objective is to demonstrate the benefits of energy efficiency improvements in public sector buildings and support the development of scalable  energy efficiency financing models.

The objective of the Energy Efficiency Project – Additional Financing corresponds to the goals underlined in the Law on Physical Planning and Construction of Republic of Srpska („Republic of Srpska Official Gazette“, editions 40/13, 106/15, 3/16 and 84/19) and the Law on Energy Efficiency of Republic of Srpska („Republic of Srpska Official Gazette“, edition 59/13).

The Energy Efficiency Project – Additional Financing will continue to support energy efficiency investments (“subprojects”) in schools, hospitals and clinic centres. A small number of other public facilities (e.g., elderly homes, orphanages, other administrative buildings) may also be included. The project will finance energy efficiency upgrades/renovations of buildings, as well as related technical consultancy services (e.g., energy audits, technical and social monitoring and evaluation, technical designs, supervision and subproject commissioning). The selection and implementation of subprojects will be conducted in three annual batches. It is estimated that up to 32 public buildings will be renovated in Republic of Srpska within 4 years of project implementation.

These investments will reduce the energy consumption of selected public buildings, and demonstrate the economic viability of energy efficiency improvements, including reduced recurring energy costs and associated public expenditures. In addition, the subprojects will generate demonstrable co-benefits, such as reduced CO2 emissions and improved indoor comfort levels (e.g., improved indoor temperature, lighting, indoor air quality, overall indoor comfort). The result indicators against which the implementation progress of BEEP AF will be measured include: lifetime energy savings, lifetime fuel savings, greenhouse gas savings, increase in end-user satisfaction, number of buildings with EU-compliant energy certification, number of municipal energy managers trained, number of subprojects commissioned, number of direct project beneficiaries in gender-sensitive manner.

The Project Implementation Unit (PIU) within the Ministry of Physical Planning, Civil Engineering and Ecology of Republic of Srpska will be responsible for preparation, coordination, management and implementation of the Project, including procurement, contracting, and payments of all goods, works and services related to the Project.

These Terms of Reference (ToR) define the nature and detailed scope of an assignment to provide technical support and assistance for preparation and organization of energy efficiency event management including at least annual international energy efficiency conference and three round tables.

  1.  Objectives

In cooperation with its partners, the Ministry has been organising annual energy efficiency conferences since 2016, gathering representatives of competent authorities and the academia from Europe, the region and Bosnia and Herzegovina, as well as the eminent experts from this area of expertise for the purpose of exchanging experience and providing platform for constructive discussion on developments and improvements in the field of energy efficiency.  

For the purpose of preparing and organizing of energy efficiency event management during BEEP AF on behalf of the Ministry of Physical Planning, Civil Engineering and Ecology of Republika Srpska (‘the Client’), the PIU intends to hire a Consulting Company (‘the Consultant’) who will provide all logistical support for preparation and organisation of the conferences and round tables. It is necessary for the Consultant to obtain previous approval from the BEEP AF PIU team for each major step prior to continuing to the next activity. Also, the Consultant shall make sure to provide participants‘ gender equality.

  1.  Description and Scope of Services

The Consultant’s assignment includes preparation and delivery of 1) energy efficiency conferences and 2) round tables.


Energy efficiency conference is an annual two-day event with participation of up to 50 people per conference and to be organized in Banja Luka or Teslic. The Consultant is expected to undertake, but is not limited to, the following primary activities:

  • Develop detailed plan defining the time schedule of all necessary activities for organisation of the conference (including post conference activities such as preparing photographic, video and other relevant material for further dissemination and/or publishing as instructed by the PIU);
  • Develop financial plan to include the costs of all activities and resources listed in these Terms of Reference, but not limited to these only (there may be additional costs for travel expenses, daily allowances, fees, etc.);
  • In agreement with the BEEP AF PIU form the Conference Organisation Advisory Board that will consist of the partner institutions’ representatives as well as the representatives of the relevant academia including organisation of meetings and coordination between the Board and the PIU;
  • In agreement with all the stakeholders, the Consultant shall propose concept of the conference including potential participants (persons giving presentations and/or participants in panel discussions), themes of Day I and Day II, topics for panel discussions, etc.
  • Upon confirmation of the conference dates by the BEEP AF PIU the Consultant shall book appropriate venue for the conference ensuring that the selected facility has got all the logistics to satisfy requirements defined by the BEEP AF PIU (conference hall, sufficient number of accommodation units, refreshment facilities during the breaks, provision of lunch for participants not staying on the full board, etc.);
  • In agreement with the BEEP AF PIU, the Consultant shall draft invitations to participants at the panel’s discussions and/or persons that will have presentations (in Cyrillic and Latin scripts and in English) in order to ensure their participation at the conference, which will be sent along with the draft agenda at least three months prior to the Conference;
  • In agreement with the BEEP AF PIU and co-organising partners, the Consultant shall propose visual identity of the conference and promotional material (press wall, roll-ups, folder covers, notebooks, pens, etc.) for approval by the BEEP AF PIU;
  • Upon acceptance and approval of the visual identity and in agreement with the BEEP AF PIU and co-organising partners, the Consultant shall create a list of invitees, and depending on their role at the conference, draft invitations for approval by BEEP AF PIU and registration forms to be sent out to all the invitees (in Cyrillic and Latin scripts and in English);
  • Upon obtaining approval by the BEEP AF PIU, the Consultant shall send out invitations, agenda and registration forms no later than one month prior to the conference in suitable script and language;
  •  The Consultant shall provide a facilitator for panel discussion and obtain approval of the BEEP AF PIU for his/her engagement 
  •  The Consultant shall provide a program presenter and obtain approval of the BEEP AF PIU for his/her engagement
  • Consulting all the stakeholders, the Consultant shall develop questions for the facilitators in accordance with the topics of panel discussions for approval by the BEEP AF PIU and upon approval the Consultant shall share the questions with the facilitator and the relevant participants in panel discussions (should this be required the questions will also be prepared in English depending on the participants);
  • The Consultant shall provide a photographer with professional equipment that will be suitable for creating high quality photographic and video material to be disseminated upon completion of the conference.
  • Should there be a requirement, the Consultant shall hire two simultaneous interpreters and arrange all the details of their engagement throughout the conference making sure that all the material is made available to the interpreters at least one week prior to the conference, so they could prepare adequately (speeches, agenda, presentations, questions for panel discussions and other);
  • The Consultant shall make sure that the venue is equipped with technical equipment to support unimpeded holding of the conference including, but not limited to, excellent internet connection, provision of Wi-Fi network in the conference hall, appropriate lighting, laptop, projector and projector screen, microphones for panel discussions, simultaneous interpretation cabin and equipment with sufficient number of headsets, and other equipment as may be required;
  • The Consultant shall coordinate accommodation issues and communicate between all registered participants and the venue regarding accommodation booking and costs;
  • In close collaboration with the BEEP AF PIU staff, the Consultant shall produce conclusions of the conference and compile a report including photographs, resumes of the participants, topics, presentations, etc., that will serve for the purpose of further dissemination and publishing on BEEP AF website.
  •  All costs pertaining to organization of above event will be covered by the consultant including but not limited to accommodation, venue, coffee and lunch breaks, participants (persons giving presentations and/or participants in panel discussions), facilitator, interpreters, presenter, invitations, visual identity and promotional material etc.

2.         ROUND TABLES

Prepare and organize energy efficiency round tables in two-day sessions with up to 50 people per session. Sessions to be organized in one of the following places: Banja Luka, Bijeljina, Jahorina or Trebinje. The Consultant shall agree location with the PIU during session preparation. The Consultant is expected to undertake, but is not limited to, the following primary activities:

  •  Develop detailed plan defining the time schedule of all necessary activities for organisation of the conference
  • Develop financial plan to include the costs of all activities and resources listed in these Terms of Reference, but not limited to these only (there may be additional costs for travel expenses, daily allowances, fees, etc.);
  • In agreement with the BEEP AF PIU, the Consultant shall propose concept of round tables including potential participants, etc.
  • Upon confirmation of the conference dates by the BEEP AF PIU the Consultant shall book appropriate venue for the conference ensuring that the selected facility has got all the logistics to satisfy requirements defined by the BEEP AF PIU
  •  In agreement with the BEEP AF PIU the Consultant shall create a list of invitees
  • Upon obtaining approval by the BEEP AF PIU, the Consultant shall send out invitations, agenda and registration forms no later than one month prior to the round table in suitable script and language.
  •  The Consultant shall provide a facilitator for discussion and obtain approval of the BEEP AF PIU for his/her engagement 
  • The Consultant shall make sure that the venue is equipped with technical equipment to support unimpeded holding of the conference including, but not limited to, excellent internet connection, provision of Wi-Fi network in the conference hall, appropriate lighting, laptop, projector and projector screen, microphones and other equipment as may be required.
  • All the above described activities shall be discussed and previously approved by the BEEP AF PIU authorised staff.
  • All costs pertaining to organization of above event shall be covered by the consultant including but not limited to: accommodation for up to 20 people, venue, coffee and lunch breaks, facilitator, invitations, printed material, etc.
  •  Deliverables

The consultant is required to deliver the following for organisation of annual international conference on energy efficiency:

 Preparatory activities, collection of initial data and design of work plan regarding 1) energy efficiency conference and 2) round tables. Work plan shall be validated by the MinistryTwo weeks after the contract signing
 Deliver energy efficiency round table 1Third/Fourth quarter of 2022
 Deliver annual energy efficiency conference 1Fourth quarter of 2022
 Deliver energy efficiency round table 2First quarter of 2022
 Deliver energy efficiency round table 3Second quarter of 2022
 Deliver energy efficiency round table 4Third quarter of 2023
 Deliver annual energy efficiency conference 2Third/fourth quarter of 2023
 Deliver energy efficiency round table 5Fourth quarter of 2023
 Deliver energy efficiency round table 6Fourth quarter of 2023
 Final Report – Finalised list of all the invitees to whom the invitations have been sent with confirmed attendance, photographic and video material, presentationsEnd of December 2023
  1.  Time schedule

The duration of this task is 30th December 2023.

  1.  Qualification requirements

All firms which meet the required criteria can participate in this selection of consultancy.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                6.1. Key Experts

The Consultant’s team shall include staff with:

Key expert 1: Team Leader

•           University degree in economics or technical field

•           At least 10 years of professional experience

•           At least 7 years of specific professional experience in facilitation and delivery of similar training programs,

•           MS Office literacy (Word, Excel, Microsoft Project and Power point).

•           Working knowledge of English.

Key expert 2: Energy Efficiency Expert

•           University degree in Architecture/Civil Engineering/mechanical Engineering

•           At least 5 years of professional experience

•           Specific experience in providing lectures in the field of energy efficiency,

•           Working knowledge of English.

Key Expert 3: Communication Expert

•           University degree in humanistic sciences

•           At least 5 years of professional experience

•           Specific experience in the field of organisation of public events

•           Working knowledge of English.

                                                            6.2. Other Experts (Non-Key Experts)

CVs for non-key experts should not be submitted in the proposal. The Consultant shall demonstrate in its Organisation & Methodology that it has access to experts with the required profiles and explain how non-key experts will be selected and mobilised. 

The Consultant must select and hire other experts as required according to the profiles identified in its Organisation & Methodology. It must clearly indicate the experts’ profile so that the applicable daily fee rate in the budget breakdown is clear.

All experts must be independent and free from conflicts of interest in the responsibilities they take on.

  1. Support from the Client

Providing material samples from previous four (4) international conferences and providing detailed guidance and instructions while working closely every step of the way with the Consultant.

  1.  Type of remuneration

The Consultant shall submit their technical and financial proposals for tasks described in paragraph 3 Description and Scope of Services.

Tasks will be based on lump-sum remuneration inclusive of all expenses. The contract form will be prepared on the basis of Lump sum payments.