Publication of the Procurement Process Cancellation – UNDP/GCF-BiH10/00103203-RFP-CQ-CS-24-7-RS – Project design and promotional activities

Project „Scaling-up investment in low-carbon public buildings in Bosnia and Herzegovina“

Project number BIH 10/00103203

Assignment Title: Consulting services for the activity „Project design and promotional activities“

Procurement number: UNDP/GCF-BiH10/00103203-RFP-CQ-CS-24-7-RS

In accordance with the Decision reference number 15.05-360-16-318/24, dated 27th September 2024, the procurement procedure number UNDP/GCF-BiH10/00103203-RFP-CQ-CS-24-7-RS for the provision of consulting services for the activity „Project design and promotional activities“ is cancelled.

For more information please follow this link.